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With a panel made up of printmakers, arts educators and gallery owners, this is your opportunity to be part of the audience at The Hold in Ipswich, from 7 - 8.30 pm on 26th May, where the subject of debate and discussion will be printmaking. We are looking forward to some differing opinions on printmaking and its direction of travel. This is a ticketed event, with a complimentary glass of sparkling wine.

We hope the questions and answers will also sparkle!

We will require volunteers to Steward this event, so please contact us if you are available.

Our Place in Time - BIG PRINT

This event is the culmination of great work done by local secondary school pupils in Ipswich, to make a wall hanging for Ipswich, in Jubilee year. The Big Print will be printed on cloth outside the university Building on Ipswich waterfront at 12 noon on Saturday 28th May using a road roller ( yes, the machine that they use to tarmac the road). We will need experienced printmakers to help ink up and position the Big Print so please get in touch if you are available from 11 am for a couple of hours.

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