TRANSITIONS Printmaking Programme
This is a unique, twelve week printmaking programme where students create work for a professionally curated exhibition, that they also help to organise and promote. We have developed the programme in such a way that we can adapt it to suit different requirements, but it is ideal for helping small groups of people who are long-term unemployed or economically inactive back into either work, education, training or volunteering. It is also suitable for young people over sixteen years who have either no qualifications, or few qualifications, to help them into education or apprenticeships.
This programme is usually funded by an organisation that wishes to offer it to their clients to develop their vocational skills.
It teaches participants the technical and artistic skills of printmaking and how to communicate ideas visually and verbally. Participants also learn other skills, such as event management, time management, team working and presentation skills. People on the project also find that they grow in confidence and feel more able to try new things or meet new people. In turn, this boosts their sense of self-esteem and helps them to play a more active role in society.
For more information about this programme and how it could help your organisation, contact us or call Alison on 07990553662